Garstang Arts Centre
The Old Grammar School, Croston Road, Garstang, Lancashire PR3 1EB
Open to The Public
- Tuesday 10.00am to 12.30pm
and 2.00pm to 4.00pm - Thursday 10.00am to 4.00pm
- Saturday 10.00am to 12.30pm

Garstang & District Arts Society
Registered Charity Number 259715
Members of the community who were interested in all forms of Art formed Garstang and District Arts Society forty years ago.
The Arts Centre, which is supported by the Town Trust, is open to all members of the public who wish to join any of our eighteen groups.
It is also open to the general public on Tuesday 10am to 12.30pm and 2pm to 4 pm, Thursday between 10am and 4pm and on Saturday between 10 and 12.30pm. You can have refreshments and view the exhibitions of art, photographs or craftwork of all kinds that are on display.
We also hold free lunchtime concerts in the summer and regular Craft and Collectors Fairs. Our groups offer a huge variety of activities, there’s something for everyone.
Come and Join Us. Meet new people. Learn something new.
For more information telephone 01995 606648 or call in at GARSTANG ARTS CENTRE. EVERYONE WELCOME!.
Groups meeting at the Arts Centre.
- Bridge Class 01995 603524
- Creative Card Making 01995 670519
- Calligraphy 01254 251534
- Floral Art 01995 605210
- Folk Dancers 01524 36734
- Garstang Musical Productions 01995 601050
- John Towers Band 01995 606549
- Patchwork & Needlework 01995 605761
- Painting Class 07969 177369
- Songbirds 01995 602904
- Wine Circle 01995 600824
- 200 Club 01995 603605
- Newsletter 01995 604755
- Exhibitions-School Room 01995 603058
- Exhibitions-Music Room 01524 791139
Poetry Appreciation Group.
We are a friendly group. Come and join in or just listen. Meetings are held on the fourth Friday of each month. Everyone welcome. Click here for more information.
Garstang Painting Group.
Garstang Painting Group hold meetings at the Arts Centre and set up workshops and displays throughout the year. Visit Garstang Painting Group web page.
Garstang Camera Club.
Garstang Camera Club hold meetings at the Arts Centre. Visit Garstang Camera Club web site.
Recorded Music Group.
We meet monthly in the Arts Centre to explore highways and byways of classical music. Visitors are always welcome. Visit our web page to find out more …
Garstang Ukelele group.
Playing the ukulele is fun and can be done by anyone. No experience is needed to pick it up, learn 3 or 4 chords and then start singing along. No exams, no rules, just good fun. Ukelele group website..
Garstang Arts Centre Craft and Collectors Fairs
Looking for lovely handmade handicrafts, small antiques, books or super cakes? Try our popular Craft and Collectors Fairs held every two months on the third Saturday of the month from 10am until 3pm .We are open on the following Saturdays: February 18th, April 15th, June 17th and a special one in August. If you would like to book a stall please contact Marie Whalley on 01995 603605.